Sunday, October 5, 2008

shots, shots, needles and shots

Whew, only one more shot to go...the HCG trigger shot that I will give myself tonight at work. This one I always dread because it hurts more than the follistim.
Good news, I called my doc after my appt. yesterday and expressed my concerns over just two eggs, and she decided to have me give one more big dose of follistim yesterday, so I will prob. ovulate 3 eggs now. I feel like my abdomen is going to explode, so I am pretty sure the follicles did lots of growing last night.
Tuesday I go back in for acupuncture. I have been going every three days, and she gave me "tacs" (little needles that stay in the skin between appts). I have bruises everywhere and will be glad when I am needle-free.
Now I have to go give my cat Shadow his insulin shot (he doesn't like shots, either) :)

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Hope all goes well today and tomorrow.