Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yay! No Lymes Disease :)

Hazel officially does not have Lymes Disease. Yay! However, she prob has arthritis, in addition to the hip displaysia. Now, we have to wait and see how she does on the pain-killer and anti-inflammatories. If not better in a week or so, we may have to think about surgery, or try a diff. anti-inflammatory. I'm not even going to go there right now. I can't even imagine caring for a dog after hip surgery...especially with her sister dog being hyper and constantly trying to get her to play. Scarry. :[
As for me, I feel very Non-pregnant. Sad but true. I have no symptoms except my normal mid-luteal phase migraine today. Trying not to feel down, but it's hard sometimes when your body is not doing what you want it to do.
I work the next 4 nights (night shifts) so I am going to try to stop paying attention to my symptoms. I know that night shifts mess with my body and I can't trust how I feel when I am working them. If no period by Thursday, the 23rd, then I will test.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Hang in there. Glad your dog doesn't have lyme disease and hopefully will feel better soon.