Monday, October 13, 2008

Lymes Disease, Hip Displaysia , What's next?!?

Hazel took another trip to the vet tonight, this time with Eric, and she may have Lymes disease. Apparently, they took Xrays and she has hip displaysia and her "Knees" have inflammation and fluid. No wonder she can barely walk! She is also running a temp, so they started her on antibiotics and a new pain killer. We will know if she has lymes disease in about a week or so. I really hope that's not it because I usually give the dogs their Frontline on the first of the month, but this month I ran out and forgot to get more, so now I feel really guilty. We'll just have to wait and see what the results show. It could also be early arthritis. She can't even jump up on our bed anymore, so I made her a bed on the floor of our bedroom. Poor girl! :(

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