Monday, October 20, 2008

Moving on with our Georgia adoption plans

After finding out today that our latest infertility treatment did not work... :( ...we are starting on our application for the adoption agency in Georgia. We also have to update our homestudy with our social worker, so this may take 3-4 weeks. Once we turn it in, we then move on to step two of the application which is creating a lifebook that the agency can show to pregnant moms wishing to adopt out. Creating the lifebook will take us a few weeks as well, so we are hoping to officially be waiting, again, by the end of December at the latest.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yay! No Lymes Disease :)

Hazel officially does not have Lymes Disease. Yay! However, she prob has arthritis, in addition to the hip displaysia. Now, we have to wait and see how she does on the pain-killer and anti-inflammatories. If not better in a week or so, we may have to think about surgery, or try a diff. anti-inflammatory. I'm not even going to go there right now. I can't even imagine caring for a dog after hip surgery...especially with her sister dog being hyper and constantly trying to get her to play. Scarry. :[
As for me, I feel very Non-pregnant. Sad but true. I have no symptoms except my normal mid-luteal phase migraine today. Trying not to feel down, but it's hard sometimes when your body is not doing what you want it to do.
I work the next 4 nights (night shifts) so I am going to try to stop paying attention to my symptoms. I know that night shifts mess with my body and I can't trust how I feel when I am working them. If no period by Thursday, the 23rd, then I will test.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Lymes Disease, Hip Displaysia , What's next?!?

Hazel took another trip to the vet tonight, this time with Eric, and she may have Lymes disease. Apparently, they took Xrays and she has hip displaysia and her "Knees" have inflammation and fluid. No wonder she can barely walk! She is also running a temp, so they started her on antibiotics and a new pain killer. We will know if she has lymes disease in about a week or so. I really hope that's not it because I usually give the dogs their Frontline on the first of the month, but this month I ran out and forgot to get more, so now I feel really guilty. We'll just have to wait and see what the results show. It could also be early arthritis. She can't even jump up on our bed anymore, so I made her a bed on the floor of our bedroom. Poor girl! :(

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Emergency Vet

Had to take Hazel into the emergency vet this morning. Yesterday she stopped walking and I would have to try to pick her up and drag her outside. She somehow hurt her back right leg (probably playing too hard with her hyper sister Gracie), and she was crying and shaking all night. It also doesn't help that Eric is away fishing this weekend and she misses him. This morning, it took her two hours to get out of bed, so I finally took her in. They gave her Midazolam (which caused her to walk around crashing into the walls and cabinets) :)
They also gave me some liquid ibuprophen to give her. If she's not getting better tomorrow, I have to take her to our vet for X-rays. Jeez, what is up with these animals around here lately? At least Gracie and Mrs. Kitchen are normal for now.
Not much new on the fertility front. Still pretty sore and it hurts when I walk or use my abs, but I remember last time it took about 8-9 days for that to go away, so we'll see how I feel in a few days. I rotate back to some night shifts at work starting Thursday, so that prob. won't help me feel better, but it's only until Sun. I go back for acupuncture 10/20.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Time to relax

The IUI's are done (had the last one today) and Eric's numbers were 3x higher than they were the last time we did this!!!! So, even though I had less eggs, we have a much better chance this cycle. Yay!!
I am pretty sore, so I will be spending the day on the couch. I go back again for acupuncture on Sat. to help with (cross your fingers) a possible implantation. :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

shots, shots, needles and shots

Whew, only one more shot to go...the HCG trigger shot that I will give myself tonight at work. This one I always dread because it hurts more than the follistim.
Good news, I called my doc after my appt. yesterday and expressed my concerns over just two eggs, and she decided to have me give one more big dose of follistim yesterday, so I will prob. ovulate 3 eggs now. I feel like my abdomen is going to explode, so I am pretty sure the follicles did lots of growing last night.
Tuesday I go back in for acupuncture. I have been going every three days, and she gave me "tacs" (little needles that stay in the skin between appts). I have bruises everywhere and will be glad when I am needle-free.
Now I have to go give my cat Shadow his insulin shot (he doesn't like shots, either) :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well, it turns out that since they lowered my dose, the medium-sized eggs stopped developing, so now I only have two that will probably ovulate. (both from the right) :( It's frustrating to think that we did all this for just two eggs, but hopefully that's all we need this time.
My IUI's are Monday and Tuesday morning

Thursday, October 2, 2008

IUI's coming up soon

I'm on day #7 of my Folistim shots and am feeling pretty blah. I feel like I am coming down with the flu, but never get it. During my U/S today, they saw three large eggs on my right and 5-7 mini ones. On the left, I have two medium eggs and 5-7 mini ones. My estrogen level is pretty high: 1337 up from 230 just three days ago, so they are lowering my dose for the next few days so I don't produce too many more eggs.
The tenative dates for the IUI's are Monday and Tuesday of next week. Will know more after my appt. on Saturday.