Monday, October 20, 2008

Moving on with our Georgia adoption plans

After finding out today that our latest infertility treatment did not work... :( ...we are starting on our application for the adoption agency in Georgia. We also have to update our homestudy with our social worker, so this may take 3-4 weeks. Once we turn it in, we then move on to step two of the application which is creating a lifebook that the agency can show to pregnant moms wishing to adopt out. Creating the lifebook will take us a few weeks as well, so we are hoping to officially be waiting, again, by the end of December at the latest.


geminicassiopeia said...

I watched you FLY through the Ethiopia paperwork. You'll be done in no time!

Cathy said...

Making the life book goes by really quickly. Brings back lots of good times. Good luck!

Cindy said...

Sorry the treatments didn't work. I hope that your new plans go smoothly for you!