Thursday, May 28, 2009

Back on track with domestic adoption

We decided to update our paperwork for the domestic adoption out of Georgia, and thanks to the homebuyers tax credit, we didn't have to wait longer to do it! I mailed in the updated lifebook on Tuesday and last Monday we had our homestudy visit with our social worker to get that updated for our new house.
Now, the waiting begins again.......But this time it's not so bad. I feel like we've been able to survive this past year of plan changes, so now we can just relax and wait for the call. In the meantime, there's the fence to finish putting up in the backyard. This weekend is staining and sanding. :\


Unknown said...

So, how do you file early for the homebuyers tax credit (without having to wait till January to file?)

Leah and Eric said...

They allowed people to receive the credit on 2008 taxes as long as they closed by April 1st, I believe (or somewhere around there). We closed the last week of March, so we got it.